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Abschluss: Master - International Business

The Master of Science in International Business (MIB) builds a solid basis for future career in the business field. Students will be enabled to deal with complex processes and structures in a constantly changing international business environment. Graduates are well prepared to face future management challenges. At the same time, the programme qualifies degree holders with top grades to pursue a doctorate.

The programme fosters a holistic and cross-functional approach and does not emphasise specific sectors or single functions. The professional qualification is particularly achieved through case-related analysis and integrated modelling. There will be a focus on methods, theories and technical skill sets that enable the graduates to master a variety of functional challenges in various sectors. The aim is to create opportunities for the ongoing personal development.

Abschluss: Master of Science (M.Sc.)

Weitere Informationen vom Anbieter

Abschluss: Master of Science (Studium)
Unterrichtsart: Präsenzunterricht
Sonstiges Merkmal: Unterrichtssprache ENGLISCH (Kursmerkmal)
ESCO-Synonym: Master of Science (Studium)

Zeiten, Orte

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01.09.24 - 28.02.26
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Mo., Di., Mi., Do. und Fr.
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Präsenzunterricht kostenlos
aber Semesterbeitrag
Berliner Tor 5
20099 Hamburg-St. Georg
Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften
Berliner Tor 5
20099 Hamburg-St. Georg
Tel: 040 / 4 28 75-9898
Fax: 040 / 4 28 75-9149
Kontakt: Service-Telefon

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Allgemeine Fragen zur Weiterbildung
W.H.S.B. Weiterbildung Hamburg Service und Beratung gemeinnützige GmbH
Steindamm 91
20099 Hamburg-St. Georg
Tel: 040 / 280 84 666
Fax: 040 / 28 08 46-99
Mo-Do: 10-18 Uhr, Fr: 9-17 Uhr