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Abschluss: Master - Integrated Climate System Science

The MSc program in Integrated Climate System Sciences (ICSS) is a study program that teaches across all subjects involved in climate research in order to provide a holistic picture of the climate system. This interdisciplinary approach enables you to understand the processes of climate variability and climate change and its respective consequences for societies, including how they respond to these.

The analysis and assessment of our climate and earth system increasingly require interdisciplinary competencies. Not least because of the pressure to act with regard to adaptation to climate change, there is an increasing demand for interdisciplinary scientists and climate experts.

Our interdisciplinary claim challenges the traditional subject-related teaching. The MSc ICSS has developed special interdisciplinary courses and enables study projects, theses and mentoring in a cross-curricular and research-oriented context.

Through this approach and the imparting of interdisciplinary competences, the MSc ICSS has a unique selling proposition. The location in Hamburg with access to Germany´s hub for Climate research offers ideal study conditions.

The program has an internationally unique focus on physics and modelling and offers three areas of specialization:

  • Physics of the climate system
  • Biogeochemistry of the climate system
  • Climate-related economics and social sciences

Classes are limited to 20 students. This research-oriented program was re-accredited by ASIIN in 2018.

Weitere Infos beim Anbieter

Abschluss: Master of Science (Studium)
Unterrichtsart: Präsenzunterricht
Sonstiges Merkmal: Unterrichtssprache ENGLISCH (Kursmerkmal)
ESCO-Synonym: Master of Science (Studium)

Zeiten, Orte

Für dieses Angebot ist momentan eine Zeit bzw. Ort bekannt:

01.10.24 - 30.09.26
Beginnt jährlich
dauerhaftes Angebot
Mo., Di., Mi., Do. und Fr.
dauerhaftes Angebot
Präsenzunterricht kostenlos
aber Semesterbeitrag
Grindelberg 5
20144 Hamburg-Harvestehude
Universität Hamburg / CampusCenter, Studienberatung
Alsterterrasse 1
20354 Hamburg-Rotherbaum
Tel: 040 / 428 38-70 02

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Allgemeine Fragen zur Weiterbildung
W.H.S.B. Weiterbildung Hamburg Service und Beratung gemeinnützige GmbH
Steindamm 91
20099 Hamburg-St. Georg
Tel: 040 / 280 84 666
Fax: 040 / 28 08 46-99
Mo-Do: 10-18 Uhr, Fr: 9-17 Uhr